Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Five Love Languages Download

Title: The Five Love Languages Pdf The Secret to Love That Lasts

Dr. Gary Chapman identifies five basic languages of love and then guides couples towards a better understanding of their unique languages of love. Learn to speak and understand your mate's love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is within your grasp!

Definitely worth reading to improve your relationship with your spouse. It is definitely a good book for couples and it has improved my relationship with my wife. If nothing else it shows you what things your partner is really looking for out of their spouse. I quickly found that my love language was "Acts of Service". Though it might not be sexy or macho to say that, it means more to me to have the dishes and laundry done when I come home after work or have minor home improvements taken care of before I get home. My wife and I have 2 small children and our house is hard to stay clean because every room feels like a mess. We do clean it all the time but it feels like a losing battle. My wife's love language is "Words of Affirmation". As you can tell from all these Amazon reviews I am much more of a writer than I am a talker. My wife is always looking for me to say how much I love and appreciate her because I don't say it often enough.A big part of improving your relationship with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend is to sticking with a date night to make sure you have quality time together. Especially if you have children or a high stress occupation. My wife and I have been together for 10 years and got stuck in the rut of an endless routine of doing everything we could for our kids, followed by daily chores and left little time for ourselves. Committing to 1 date night a week has really helped our relationship and improved our communication.I recommend the book for sure and found it inspiring and worth reading. All couples can benefit from reading this book. The only downside is I wish it could have been a little longer. The stories from the author are interesting and I would have liked to have heard a bunch of his other examples of couples that he has dealt with. It was a short book and my wife and I finished it in 4 or 5 days and that was reading it slowly. The price is easily affordable. I found it best to photo copy the test quiz at the end instead of writing in the book so we can give the book to any family or friends who are struggling with their relationship.Religious undertones The book was pretty good, it had some valid points and learning that there are different ways that people express their love was important. What I think pulled away from the book was the underlying religious agenda to preach about God. It totally turned me off And I thought it was completely unnecessary to deliver the message. Of course if you are a religious person then this would be right up your alley.Sexist, heteronormative, triggering and Religious I stopped reading at the part where the author recommended a woman to sleep with her husband against her will. WTF? Highly triggering for sexual abuse and domestic violence survivors.Also, the book reads like it’s written for white Christians. And for men who don’t want a partnership, but rather want to coerce their wife into being their sexually subservient housemaid/servant because they just don’t like vacuuming and can‘t afford hiring a cleaner („I thought I get myself a wife for that“).So if you’re a white Christian man or woman who likes to be a little housewife, yes, this book‘s for you.Besides that, the book offers solid scientific facts such as man‘s sex drive being dominated biologically by sperm pressure; that women‘s sex drive is purely emotional and not driven by their bodies; and more.

Tags: B079B7PJMV pdf,The Five Love Languages pdf,The Secret to Love That Lasts pdf,,Gary Chapman, Oasis Audio,The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts,Oasis Audio,B079B7PJMV

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