Saturday, January 26, 2019

Cracking the Coding Interview Pdf

ISBN: 0984782850
Title: Cracking the Coding Interview Pdf 189 Programming Questions and Solutions
Author: Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Published Date: 2015
Page: 708

Gayle Laakmann McDowell is the founder and CEO of CareerCup and the author of Cracking the PM Interview and Cracking the Tech Career. Her background is in software development. She has worked as a software engineer at Google, Microsoft, and Apple. At Google, she interviewed hundreds of software engineers and evaluated thousands of hiring packets on the hiring committee. She holds a B.S.E. and M.S.E. in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Wharton School. She now consults with tech companies to improve their hiring process and with startups to prepare them for acquisition interviews.

I am not a recruiter. I am a software engineer. And as such, I know what it's like to be asked to whip up brilliant algorithms on the spot and then write flawless code on a whiteboard. I've been through this as a candidate and as an interviewer.

Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th Edition is here to help you through this process, teaching you what you need to know and enabling you to perform at your very best. I've coached and interviewed hundreds of software engineers. The result is this book.

Learn how to uncover the hints and hidden details in a question, discover how to break down a problem into manageable chunks, develop techniques to unstick yourself when stuck, learn (or re-learn) core computer science concepts, and practice on 189 interview questions and solutions.

These interview questions are real; they are not pulled out of computer science textbooks. They reflect what's truly being asked at the top companies, so that you can be as prepared as possible. WHAT'S INSIDE?
  • 189 programming interview questions, ranging from the basics to the trickiest algorithm problems.
  • A walk-through of how to derive each solution, so that you can learn how to get there yourself.
  • Hints on how to solve each of the 189 questions, just like what you would get in a real interview.
  • Five proven strategies to tackle algorithm questions, so that you can solve questions you haven't seen.
  • Extensive coverage of essential topics, such as big O time, data structures, and core algorithms.
  • A behind the scenes look at how top companies like Google and Facebook hire developers.
  • Techniques to prepare for and ace the soft side of the interview: behavioral questions.
  • For interviewers and companies: details on what makes a good interview question and hiring process.
Number of Pages:696

Perpetuates the insanity of programmer interviews. Resist if you can. As programming interview prep books go, this one is currently the most popular of the bunch. It's OK, in that you'll find material to practice for the whiteboard interviews that are prevalent at big tech companies. But let's be honest: this whole ecosystem is toxic. Here's a lady who worked for a few years at Google (that's right -- she worked for a *few* years, and only interned at those other big names she mentioned), and has parlayed that rather limited work experience into an entire lifestyle business, where she coaches programmers on how to pass interviews. That should tell you something important: the interview-prep industry has completely decoupled itself from the actual job of programming!I've been writing software for a long time, and I'm competent at my job. I've worked at some well-known companies, and I've interviewed a LOT of people. But I'm here to tell you that even I can't pass one of these interviews without studying. That's a bad thing. If the goal of an interview is to identify competent programmers, we've gone far, far off the rails with these kinds of interviews.But of course, that isn't (entirely) the author's fault. She's just a cog in the machine, and profits by perpetuating it. Because the presence of books like these create a vicious cycle: prep book gets written; interviewees study/memorize answers; interviewers make questions "harder" to compensate; new book gets written! It never ends. The grinder continues to turn, and whereas ten years ago you could get a good job with some string or linked-list manipulation questions, now you've got people who consider whiteboard coding of topcoder elite questions to be the baseline measurement of programmer competency. That's nuts.You'll even run into lazy interviewers who take questions directly from this book, which is the ultimate in stupidity: if "good" candidates have prepared from the book, and you ask questions directly from the book, what are you really accomplishing, other than a test of memorization skills? And yet, this is distressingly common. I've seen it myself. I've had recruiters from major tech companies send me pages from this book so that I can "prepare" for their interviews. What now?This kind of crap only stops if the more senior amongst us simply *refuse* to do it anymore. New grads have no leverage, so it's up to the rest of us to stand up and demand change. If you work at a company, please, INSIST that your interview process avoid questions from this book. If you interview programmers, please, stick to questions that demonstrate actual day-to-day work competency. And yes, if you're interviewing and you have the leverage, stand up to companies that try to abuse you with this kind of demeaning nonsense.If we are to be professionals, we have to demand the career respect afforded to professionals. That includes not being treated like children when we are interviewed.Anyone confused about what language this boom I’m sure this is a good book. However, you would think a book on software would have what language it is focused on readily available. It does not. I had to do research to figure it out... after purchasing it. Very annoying. For your info, its in java. If you’re not a java developer it’s useless til you decide you want to learn java. And by that time you’re probably working and don’t need an interview prep book. PUT THE LANGUAGE ON THE FRONT PAGEProfits & perpetuates weaselly & hubric hiring practices of some "companies" of industry. This book summarizes in concrete form how the "white tower" side of these companies use these kinds of subjective and unrealistic "entrance exams" to exclude perfectly capable people from their exclusive "club".They refuse to standardize on a fair, independent, and common testing system as any other education, or professional industry, already do.You can bet that any of their engineers that got in years ago would not readily still pass these tests, as it doesn't represent any normal, day-to-day activity that wouldn't take more time and research to solve.You could have 25 years of a successful career at another company with many delivered, production products under your belt, and then find you are nothing more than an idiot not worth hiring after these timed tests.

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Tags: 0984782850 pdf,Cracking the Coding Interview pdf,189 Programming Questions and Solutions pdf,Gayle Laakmann McDowell,Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions,CareerCup,0984782850,Computer programming,Computer programming - Vocational guidance,Employment interviewing,Computers & Internet / Computer Science,Business & Economics,Business & Economics / Careers / Job Hunting,Career/Job,Careers - Job Hunting,Careers / Job Opportunities,Computers : Programming - General,Computers : Software Development & Engineering - General,Computers/Programming - General,Computers/Software Development & Engineering - General,Programming - General,Software Development & Engineering - General,COMPUTERS / Computer Science

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