Thursday, May 9, 2019

Daisy Has Autism Download

ISBN: 1946824356
Title: Daisy Has Autism Pdf
Author: Aaron J. Wright
Published Date: 2019-01-29
Page: 358

Aaron J. Wright is the product of a public education and a member of a family deeply entrenched in public education. He is a Nurse Practitioner and the parent of two children, one with autism. Professionally he has worked with severely injured adults and children for nearly two decades. Outside of work, he has been a staunch advocate for disabled students in public education and youth sports. He firmly believes in the benefits of a public education and access. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his family and three distinctly different dogs.

Daisy Has Autism tells the story of one family’s harrowing experience with public special education, and captures the story universally experienced by millions of special needs families. In sleepy Davis, California, the Russell family remarkably find themselves first navigating the complexities of autism with their dog and then with their daughter. While seeking to enroll their daughter in special education at their local public school, the Russells quickly find themselves at odds with a school district determined to escape its responsibilities. What they experience, and how they prevail, will resonate with every parent who has struggled to have their special needs child appropriately served.

Shining a light on the darkness of special education This book is real! It is so relatable to my own story of navigating district special education. I literally had to pause and come back to it because it flooded me with emotions and my memories of how hard things were. I love the humor, I love the real relationships, and I would highly recommend this book to any teacher, parent, or anyone who works around a child or adult with a disability. The struggles are real and the people who come in and out of a child’s life can have such a tremendous impact. This impact can be both positive or negative, unfortunately, as you will read in this book. It’s great that there is a light being shined on this hidden dark world of special education.Every parent will benefit from reading this book. I did. Every parent, whether they have a neurotypical child or one with additional needs, should read this book. This is the real face of special education in the public system and it is a gift that a parent struggling with a system that is failing their child has written their story; most of us lack the energy and time.This is also a story that every school district administrator, assessor and clinician should read. Teachers see and know about these issues but are hamstrung. It is easy for people to make generalizations but each and every one of these special needs kids is as equally and fiercely loved and this book highlights how difficult it is for the people who love them to get them their basic, legal rights.It is also a beautiful story of a family that loves each other.Definite must-read! Other reviewers have done an excellent job summarizing Daisy Has Autism, so I will focus my review on how reading this book made me feel. I've lived in Davis over 50 years, and attended Kindergarten through High School here. Having a close friend who is an elementary school teacher in Davis prepared me for what was described in the classroom scenes. What I wasn't prepared for was the bureaucratic nightmare this family endured. Logic and truth were no part of the school system's process when deciding what was best for their daughter, yet this family never gave up. The fact that this is how our school system operates enrages me.This was a book I couldn't put down - but not just for the injustice, but the touching insights into this family and how they coped with such an uphill battle. This is so much more than an account of a child who has autism. It is a beautiful story of a family - and some of the most touching scenes were about the family dog. Aaron has done an excellent job of capturing their experience, and artfully conveying it in this book.

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Tags: 1946824356 pdf,Daisy Has Autism pdf,Aaron J. Wright, Janet Angelo,Daisy Has Autism,IndieGo Publishing LLC,1946824356,Biography & Autobiography/People with Disabilities,Books about children with autism; books about children with disabilities; books about special needs children; books about autistic children; books about autistic animals; autistic children and dogs; autistic children and pets,Education/Special Education - General,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Autism Spectrum Disorders,Biography & Autobiography / People with Disabilities

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