Monday, May 27, 2019

Unbelievable Pdf

ISBN: B07LH6975N
Title: Unbelievable Pdf 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion
Unbelievable explodes seven of the most popular and pernicious myths about science and religion. Michael Newton Keas, a historian of science, lays out the facts to show how far the conventional wisdom departs from reality. He also shows how these myths have proliferated over the past four centuries and exert so much influence today, infiltrating science textbooks and popular culture.

The seven myths, Keas shows, amount to little more than religion bashing—especially Christianity bashing.

Unbelievable reveals:

· Why the “Dark Ages” never happened
· Why we didn’t need Christopher Columbus to prove the earth was round
· Why Copernicus would be shocked to learn that he supposedly demoted humans from the center of the universe
· What everyone gets wrong about Galileo’s clash with the Church, and why it matters today
· Why the vastness of the universe does not deal a blow to religious belief in human significance
· How the popular account of Giordano Bruno as a “martyr for science” ignores the fact that he was executed for theological reasons, not scientific ones
· How a new myth is being positioned to replace religion—a futuristic myth that sounds scientific but isn’t

In debunking these myths, Keas shows that the real history is much more interesting than the common narrative of religion at war with science.

This accessible and entertaining book offers an invaluable resource to students, scholars, teachers, homeschoolers, and religious believers tired of being portrayed as anti-intellectual and anti-science.

So much more than just history -- Astute, Factual, and Well Reasoned If you like history, science, tech, philosophy, theology, or culture, READ IT! People NEED to read this to avoid the dominant cultural myth that is moving millions toward falsehood and error.The past is the key to the present. Okay, I know that I'm using that out of context, but really, isn't an understanding of the past NECESSARY to forming accurate assessments for navigating the future?If major TV programs endorse MAJOR FACTUAL ERRORS significantly deluding the public, who's going to set them right?We need more of Key's astute, factual, and well-reasoned thinking. Not only is well-grounded history presented, but the origins and spread of the myths are precisely traced. Keas' reading well over a hundred historic textbooks on the subject is evident in his clarity and conclusions. But the book is not sloughed down in details. The author does not claim an omniscient perspective like some textbooks, but clearly states his research and its limits. Unlike the myth-makers he critiques, the author shares many of his findings openly regardless of whether they support his view or not. (I don't think Kepler, cited in the book, would want it any other way.) It should be noted that the author's conclusion and content does come up against those purporting the War hypothesis and so-called Copernican principle. But his conclusion moves on from there in a way that really shook me in its relevance.In the same way that overly excitable YouTubers might be screaming that god is about to be created in AI or else descend in the form of ET--so this book is a much needed dose of reality for the seeming majority of TV broadcasters and the American public.From medieval times and the Renaissance to contemporary times and projections about the future, Keas takes his readers further in and further up while reining in the extravagant and hurtful claims of the myth-makers past and present.Eye Opening This well research book confronts the myth that religion (and most specifically the Christian faith) has been and remains in conflict with science. In fact, scientists like Kepler and others viewed their study of the universe as part of their worship of the creator. Kepler's work was a hymn to God, as Keas documents. More importantly, Keas traces the myth that mankind has been reduced from "created in the image of God" to "just another speck on just another speck in the vast universe" and challenges that myth. This book is well researched, and will challenge you with vast historical sources, specifically how the study of the universe as been presented in science text books throughout history.I particularly enjoyed the chapters on the study of life on other planets (ET for short) and the assumptions that will be made if and when they ever arrive on earth. Scientists will accept their far advanced technology as magic, with almost a godlike worship of the same.Read the book, it will make you think.The natural sciences offer no evidence for unnatural entities Obviously this book is attempting to advance religion by making false claims about what scientists do and their discoveries using the scientific method. Scientists are not at war with religions. Promoters of religions are constantly attempting to discredit evidence of the natural world. You won't see religion promoters in the USA being critical of faith healers, flat Earthers, or those claiming the Universe being only a few thousand years old. One thing you will see are Xians forming alliances with radical Islamists to promote creationism aka intelligent design.

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Tags: B07LH6975N pdf,Unbelievable pdf,7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion pdf,ebook,Michael Newton Keas,Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion,Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Daisy Has Autism Download

ISBN: 1946824356
Title: Daisy Has Autism Pdf
Author: Aaron J. Wright
Published Date: 2019-01-29
Page: 358

Aaron J. Wright is the product of a public education and a member of a family deeply entrenched in public education. He is a Nurse Practitioner and the parent of two children, one with autism. Professionally he has worked with severely injured adults and children for nearly two decades. Outside of work, he has been a staunch advocate for disabled students in public education and youth sports. He firmly believes in the benefits of a public education and access. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his family and three distinctly different dogs.

Daisy Has Autism tells the story of one family’s harrowing experience with public special education, and captures the story universally experienced by millions of special needs families. In sleepy Davis, California, the Russell family remarkably find themselves first navigating the complexities of autism with their dog and then with their daughter. While seeking to enroll their daughter in special education at their local public school, the Russells quickly find themselves at odds with a school district determined to escape its responsibilities. What they experience, and how they prevail, will resonate with every parent who has struggled to have their special needs child appropriately served.

Shining a light on the darkness of special education This book is real! It is so relatable to my own story of navigating district special education. I literally had to pause and come back to it because it flooded me with emotions and my memories of how hard things were. I love the humor, I love the real relationships, and I would highly recommend this book to any teacher, parent, or anyone who works around a child or adult with a disability. The struggles are real and the people who come in and out of a child’s life can have such a tremendous impact. This impact can be both positive or negative, unfortunately, as you will read in this book. It’s great that there is a light being shined on this hidden dark world of special education.Every parent will benefit from reading this book. I did. Every parent, whether they have a neurotypical child or one with additional needs, should read this book. This is the real face of special education in the public system and it is a gift that a parent struggling with a system that is failing their child has written their story; most of us lack the energy and time.This is also a story that every school district administrator, assessor and clinician should read. Teachers see and know about these issues but are hamstrung. It is easy for people to make generalizations but each and every one of these special needs kids is as equally and fiercely loved and this book highlights how difficult it is for the people who love them to get them their basic, legal rights.It is also a beautiful story of a family that loves each other.Definite must-read! Other reviewers have done an excellent job summarizing Daisy Has Autism, so I will focus my review on how reading this book made me feel. I've lived in Davis over 50 years, and attended Kindergarten through High School here. Having a close friend who is an elementary school teacher in Davis prepared me for what was described in the classroom scenes. What I wasn't prepared for was the bureaucratic nightmare this family endured. Logic and truth were no part of the school system's process when deciding what was best for their daughter, yet this family never gave up. The fact that this is how our school system operates enrages me.This was a book I couldn't put down - but not just for the injustice, but the touching insights into this family and how they coped with such an uphill battle. This is so much more than an account of a child who has autism. It is a beautiful story of a family - and some of the most touching scenes were about the family dog. Aaron has done an excellent job of capturing their experience, and artfully conveying it in this book.

Social Skills Handbook for Autism pdf

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And You Can Love Me pdf

Tags: 1946824356 pdf,Daisy Has Autism pdf,Aaron J. Wright, Janet Angelo,Daisy Has Autism,IndieGo Publishing LLC,1946824356,Biography & Autobiography/People with Disabilities,Books about children with autism; books about children with disabilities; books about special needs children; books about autistic children; books about autistic animals; autistic children and dogs; autistic children and pets,Education/Special Education - General,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Autism Spectrum Disorders,Biography & Autobiography / People with Disabilities

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Body Keeps the Score Pdf

Title: The Body Keeps the Score Pdf Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

A pioneering researcher and one of the world's foremost experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for healing Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three couples have engaged in physical violence. Such experiences inevitably leave traces on minds, emotions, and even on biology. Sadly, trauma sufferers frequently pass on their stress to their partners and children. Renowned trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he transforms our understanding of traumatic stress, revealing how it literally rearranges the brain's wiring - specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust. He shows how these areas can be reactivated through innovative treatments including neuro feedback, mindfulness techniques, play, yoga, and other therapies. Based on Dr. van der Kolk's own research and that of other leading specialists, The Body Keeps the Score offers proven alternatives to drugs and talk therapy - and a way to reclaim lives.

The new Bible for Trauma This is the new Bible for anyone affected by trauma, or who works in the field. Van der Kolk has synthesized the most important new breakthroughs in neuroscience, psychology and body-centered therapies, to create a coherent blueprint for understanding and treating trauma. He writes simply and lucidly, and brings his deep insights to life with engaging anecdotes.I suffered PTSD and severe anxiety for many years, and tried all the usual therapies (CBT, medication, analysis, diet, exercise, acupuncture, vitamins, group therapy etc.). Frankly, nothing really worked until I discovered - and applied - the somatic (body) techniques espoused by van der Kolk, and other luminaries such as Peter Levine, Pat Ogden, and Eugene Gendlin. It took me a long time to understand – and accept – their message that trauma impacts the more ancient (reptilian) part of the brain where talk-therapies just can't reach, let alone affect.The only way to ‘communicate’ with this pre-verbal system is through the body, which can signal to the brain stem that it is OK to begin the process of unfreezing the emotional paralysis that has plagued us for decades. So much depends on our willingness and capacity to feel and experience what is going on inside us - not just think about it.Of course, it is also important to understand what is going on at a cognitive level in order to make sense of things. So there is certainly a role for traditional talk therapy, but it is not the main game. By combining a bottom-up (somatic) and a top-down (cognitive) approach, as van der Kolk suggests, it is possible to move towards genuine healing - not just a suppression of symptoms. This is not theoretical for me. I have experienced it.The other truly great book on this subject is Peter Levine’s ‘In an Unspoken Voice’, which explains his ‘somatic experiencing’ (SE) therapy. Levine’s book is arguably narrower in scope than van der Kolk’s, but his writing has such a poetic quality that it communicates more than the words themselves. The first time I read Levine’s book I felt my body respond to his truths at a visceral level. It is a deeply healing and magical work.UPDATE 2018: One of the treatments that Bessel van der Kolk mentions in his book - MDMA (Ecstasy) - was recently granted ‘Breakthrough Therapy’ status by the FDA for phase 3 trials. This is because the phase 1 and 2 trials were so successful, that nearly 70% of participants no longer had PTSD after just 3 MDMA sessions (most of these participants had suffered PTSD for decades). Do yourself a favour and Google MDMA therapy and MAPS (the organisation running the trials) – and watch people tell their stories on YouTube. They will make you weep with joy and hope.

Tags: B00OBT7KAO pdf,The Body Keeps the Score pdf,Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma pdf,,Bessel Van der Kolk MD, Sean Pratt, LLC Gildan Media,The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma,Gildan Media, LLC,B00OBT7KAO