Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee Pdf

Title: The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee Pdf Native America from 1890 to the Present

A sweeping history - and counter-narrative - of Native American life from the Wounded Knee massacre to the present.

The received idea of Native American history - as promulgated by books like Dee Brown's mega-best-selling 1970 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - has been that American Indian history essentially ended with the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee. Not only did 150 Sioux die at the hands of the US Cavalry, the sense was that Native civilization did as well. 

Growing up Ojibwe on a reservation in Minnesota, training as an anthropologist, and researching Native life past and present for his nonfiction and novels, David Treuer has uncovered a different narrative. Because they did not disappear - and not despite but rather because of their intense struggles to preserve their language, their traditions, their families, and their very existence - the story of American Indians since the end of the 19th century to the present is one of unprecedented resourcefulness and reinvention. 

In The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee, Treuer melds history with reportage and memoir. Tracing the tribes' distinctive cultures from first contact, he explores how the depredations of each era spawned new modes of survival. The devastating seizures of land gave rise to increasingly sophisticated legal and political maneuvering that put the lie to the myth that Indians don't know or care about property. The forced assimilation of their children at government-run boarding schools incubated a unifying Native identity. Conscription in the US military and the pull of urban life brought Indians into the mainstream and modern times, even as it steered the emerging shape of self-rule and spawned a new generation of resistance. 

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee is the essential, intimate story of a resilient people in a transformative era.

Tags: B07MNHQKVW pdf,The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee pdf,Native America from 1890 to the Present pdf,,David Treuer, Tanis Parenteau, Penguin Audio,The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present,Penguin Audio,B07MNHQKVW

Friday, March 22, 2019

World Music Download

ISBN: 1138911275
Title: World Music Pdf A Global Journey
Author: Terry E. Miller
Published Date: 2017
Page: 524

"I love this book! Just the right balance of social, cultural, and historical context to make the musics (and their people) come alive. Includes wonderfully helpful listening guides and lots of places to go for additional resources to help both teachers and students expand their musical horizons--a gem for the traveling musical spirit."―Ellen Koskoff, Professor of Ethnomusicology, University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music"World Music: A Global Journey provides a detailed, comprehensive, and very accessible introduction to many musical traditions. The text offers systematic guidance for musical novices, detailed analysis for advanced students, and a humanist approach that showcases the people that make the music."―Gavin Douglas, Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology, University of North Carolina, Greensboro"World Music: A Global Journey by Miller and Shahriari is an excellent resource that provides a solid grounding for students just beginning their world music experience. The scope and sequence of the book, along with the guided listening examples, are thoughtfully laid out providing a wealth of information for the eyes, ears, and mind. I know my students have appreciated this book over the years." ―Richard Cangro, Associate Professor of Music Education, Western Illinois UniversityTerry E. Miller is Professor Emeritus of Ethnomusicology at Kent State University, where he co-founded the Center for the Study of World Musics.Andrew Shahriari is Instructor of Ethnomusicology at Kent State University and teaches the world music survey course in online classes.

World Music: A Global Journey, Fourth Edition takes students around the world to experience the diversity of musical expression and cultural traditions. It is known for its breadth in surveying the world's major cultures in a systematic study of world music within a strong pedagogical framework.

As one would prepare for any journey, each chapter starts with background preparation, reviewing the historical, cultural, and musical overview of the region. Visits to multiple "sites" within a region provide in-depth studies of varied musical traditions. Music analysis begins with an experiential "first impression" of the music, followed by an "aural analysis" of the sound and prominent musical elements. Finally, students are invited to consider the cultural connections that give the music its meaning and life.

Fourth Edition features:

  • New sites!
    • Plena from Puerto Rico
    • Chuida from China
    • Gagaku from Japan has returned from the Second Edition
  • New "Inside Look" features spotlight distinguished ethnomusicologists such as Dr. Terence Liu, K.S. Resni, Dr. Sumarsam, Dr. Mick Moloney, Walter Mahovlich, Natalie MacMaster, and Gilbert Velez
  • Addition of DANCE, inseparable to musical expression in some cultures
  • Updates as needed, resulting from various changes in culture, politics, and war
  • New and revised test questions, new photos, and other revised resources

The dynamic companion website hosts interactive listening guides plus many student and instructor resources. A set of three CDs is available, with over three hours of diverse music examples necessary to the study.



Print Paperback Pack - Book and CD set: 9781138911277

Print Hardback Pack - Book and CD set: 9781138911284

Print Paperback - Book only: 9781138911314

Audio CD: 9781138697805

eBook Pack - eBook and mp3 file: 9781315692791*

*For eBook users, please email with proof of purchase to obtain access to the mp3 audio compilation. An access code and instructions will be provided. (The mp3 audio compilation is not available for separate sale.)

Renting the book does not come with CDs. The fine print states “Access codes and supplements are not guaranteed with rentals” CDs do not come with rentals. Some people got them but most have not due to renting and not buying. Watch out for the fine print even though the title says the CDs come with it. The fine print states “Access codes and supplements are not guaranteed with rentals” If you want CDs you are going to have to buy it otherwise renting is just the book.No CD was included! No CD presentNeeded for class Came perfect

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Tags: 1138911275 pdf,World Music pdf,A Global Journey pdf,Terry E. Miller, Andrew Shahriari,World Music: A Global Journey,Routledge,1138911275,General,World music - History and criticism,World music;History and criticism.,MUSIC / General,MUSIC / History & Criticism,Music,Non-Fiction,TEXT,Textbooks (Various Levels),aerophone,analysis,aural,density,double,folkways,recordings,reed,rhythmic,smithsonian

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Feeling Good Free Pdf

ISBN: 0380810336
Title: Feeling Good Pdf The New Mood Therapy

"A BOOK TO READ AND RE-READ!" -- Los Angeles Times"A book to read and re-read!""-Los Angeles Times" The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs. In FEELING GOOD, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. Now, in this updated edition, Dr. Burns adds an ALL-NEW CONSUMER'S GUIDE TO ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS as well as a new introduction to help answer your questions about the many options available today for treating depression.-- Recognize what causes your mood swings-- Nip negative feelings in the bud-- Deal with guilt-- Handle hostility and criticism-- Overcome addiction to love and approval-- Build self-esteem-- Feel good every day

The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs. In Feeling Good, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. Now, in this updated edition, Dr. Burns adds an All-New Consumer′s Guide To Anti-depressant Drugs as well as a new introduction to help answer your questions about the many options available for treating depression.

- Recognise what causes your mood swings
- Nip negative feelings in the bud
- Deal with guilt
- Handle hostility and criticism
- Overcome addiction to love and approval
- Build self-esteem
- Feel good everyday

Ignore the negative reviews - it's worth a few bucks to judge for yourself Let me start by saying I have been an Amazon customer for twenty years and I have *never* reviewed anything before. But I consider this book to important for me to keep my mouth shut. It was a life-changer for me. Don't know why some reviewers are saying it is not helpful for people with severe depression - maybe some people with severe depression need a different approach, but let me speak for the rest of us. I was having suicidal thoughts, and on the highest doses of meds available. I was also in therapy. I tried two different therapists, both of whom wanted to talk about other people in my life - my parents, my husband, etc. - which was not helping me at all. I was at my wit's end, really scared that I was going to hurt myself if things didn't get better soon, when a friend recommended this book. You have to do the exercises - yes, they seem silly, but if they work, who the heck cares? Get a nice little notebook and a pen that you enjoy writing with. I made mine a sort of journal that I doodled in and added little inspirational quotes here and there. And yes, it is deceptively simple. Again, who cares? If standing on my head and whistling "Dixie" would have made me feel this much better, I'd be doing that, too. I started reading the book a month ago. I do not do all the excercises, but I did try all of them. I do what works for me. It's also true that there is the usual filler crap that you get in self-help books "Janet is a 40-year old dental assistant who came to me in 2005 suffering from..." blah, blah, blah. Just skip it. My depression is so much better that I am shocked. I am no longer thinking about suicide, and I am actually able to picture a future that is not completely empty and black. A future!!!!!! I have not had a future in years! I can't express what that means to me, but if you have depression, I don't have to. Try the book. If it doesn't work, I hope you will try something else, and keep on trying. You are not alone, and you deserve to be happy.This book should be required reading in schools in the United States. The ideas in this book are so simple, yet so powerful. We all have an inner voice (the Buddhists call it "monkey mind") that creates thoughts in our brain. These thoughts then make us feel a certain way. In knowing that our thoughts create how we feel, we can drastically improve the quality of our lives.This book shows that it's not what happens to us in life, it's what we think about it.For example, say you lose your job. Many people would then catastrophize and think negative thoughts about how awful it was, how we're going to be homeless and go broke and then we get depressed. Instead of thinking like that, we should think realistically about how it's tough that we lost our jobs, but we'll eventually find another one and that we will overcome the current crisis.I was a pessimist for years. Negative thinking becomes a habit and changes brain chemistry. By thinking more realistically and talking back to our negative thoughts, we can live much happier lives.

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Tags: 0380810336 pdf,Feeling Good pdf,The New Mood Therapy pdf,David D. Burns,Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy,Harper,0380810336,Cognitive Psychology & Cognition,Mood Disorders - Depression,Cognitive therapy,Cognitive therapy.,Depression, Mental - Alternative treatment,Depression, Mental.,Nonfiction,COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY,Cognitive Psychology & Cognition,Cognitive therapy,Cognitive therapy.,Depression, Mental - Alternative treatment,Depression, Mental.,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Friendship,Family & health,General Adult,MASS MARKET,MENTAL DEPRESSION,Mood Disorders - Depression,Mood Disorders - General,Non-Fiction,Nonfiction,PSYCHOLOGY / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition,Personal Growth - Self-Esteem,Psychology,SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / Depression,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Self-Esteem,Self Help,Self-Help,Self-Help/Mood Disorders - General,Self-Help/Personal Growth - Self-Esteem,Self-help; self-improvement; advice; happiness; success; Anxiety; guilt; pessimism; procrastination; self-esteem; low self-esteem; depression; mental health; drugs; positive; optimism; mood swings; love; rejection; approval; satisfied; content; comfortable; comfort; community; friendship; family; Ten Days to Self-Esteem; when panic attacks; feeling good together; intimate connections; therapy; productivity,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Friendship,Mood Disorders - General,PSYCHOLOGY / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition,Personal Growth - Self-Esteem,SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / Depression,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Self-Esteem,Self-Help/Mood Disorders - General,Self-Help/Personal Growth - Self-Esteem,Psychology,Cognitive Psychology,Mental Depression,Self-Help,Health/Fitness,Family & health

Monday, March 11, 2019

Intermittent Fasting For Women 101 Free Pdf

ISBN: 1793327211
Title: Intermittent Fasting For Women 101 Pdf The Essentials and 30 Day Challenge For Proven Weight Loss Results

If you have been thinking about using intermittent fasting to lose weight but don’t know how, then you have come to the right place – read on!

Many women swear by Intermittent Fasting, losing up to 10 pounds in three or four weeks, all without exercise! AND without having to watch what they EAT religiously!

But there are also many who don’t know what it is, and are thoroughly misled by all the mis-information readily found on the Net.

You become worried about :

  • The impact on sleep quality when you intermittent fast
  • Hearing other women miss periods when they fast
  • Getting all your hormones out of whack and dealing damage to your body

No worries Now!

This book on Intermittent Fasting for women is written exactly to allay and assuage those fears and more! Written by a Lady for Ladies, it gives the advice and tips specifically meant for the female body when intermittent fasting

You will explore and learn :

  • How You can use intermittent fasting without worries about loss of sleep and hormonal imbalance. You get all the benefits without the worries!
  • A ready 30 Day program that is tailored to get you started right off the bat with Intermittent Fasting. Seasoned with What-Tos and How-Tos, your intermittent fasting program will start off with minimal hiccups!
  • Get the knowledge of how to incorporate intermittent fasting as a MUM, and pick up extra 2 tips that absolutely are life savers!
  • What to do and what not to do whilst fasting, You heard it before. But you get to know an extra 4 more steps which will definitely boost up your weight loss and make fasting so much easier!
  • How to successfully combine the Keto Diet with Intermittent Fasting for Women
  • What many others don’t tell you about the role of eating when you fast intermittently
  • And so much more!

This Guide will be your handy companion as you work through and embark on your intermittent fasting journey.

Weight Loss is pretty much a fair certainty within 4 weeks, All without the need for exercise and watching what you eat!

Begin Now. Start Your Path to Certain Weight Loss without having to go on a DIET!

Pick Up Your Copy Now! Click On The Add To Cart NOW Button At The Top Of The Page!

Excellent book This is eating plan for you. It's so flexible that it fits every woman. Think of it like finding that absolute perfect fitting outfit. It's the perfect color, perfect fabric, perfect fit, it shows off what you want and it even has decent pockets! Now that really would be the perfect outfit, right?Good and informative Nice one for beginners, as there are enough information for woman who really need to lose their weight. I said this from my wife’s words…as she have already read this book and think that we can advise it to you.Next, this book goes to my sister, who is a big fan of all diet types and I think there isn’t any new diet for her, by the way the keto diet stays her lovely one and this book can be very helpful for her.It's one of the best books for Intermittent Fasting For Women. This is an excellent intermittent fasting book for women. It has some tips and tricks, which improve health. It is the best way to use intermittent fasting for muscle gain. I think it is a handy book. Health is wealth and when it comes to woman we are very much conscious about our weight and health.

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Tags: 1793327211 pdf,Intermittent Fasting For Women 101 pdf,The Essentials and 30 Day Challenge For Proven Weight Loss Results pdf,Will Ramos, Gin Fung,Intermittent Fasting For Women 101: The Essentials and 30 Day Challenge For Proven Weight Loss Results: Combined With The Ketogenic Diet For Fast Effective Keto Fat Burn! Beginners Friendly,Independently published,1793327211,HEALTH & FITNESS / Diet & Nutrition / Weight Loss,Medical / Diet Therapy