Saturday, July 27, 2019

I Declare War Pdf

Title: I Declare War Pdf

Get out of your own way. 

Whether you recognize it or not, you're at war with yourself. There's anxiety. Selfishness. Self-sabotaging tendencies. Narcissism. The black dog of depression. The inability to do the great things you long to do because you spend so many hours mindlessly drifting through the Internet. 

It is war, but all is not lost. You can win - if you choose to engage. 

In I Declare War, Levi Lusko candidly shares about his struggles with moodiness, bullying, suicidal thoughts, night terrors, and difficulty managing himself. He identifies four weapons you have at your disposal - thoughts, words, behaviors, and power - and illustrates how to use them to achieve ongoing victory. These practical tools from God's Word will help you learn to:

  • Retaliate against your anxiety by filling your heart with truth and making it inhospitable to terror 
  • Stop being victimized by your bad behaviors and become the victor you were born to be.
  • Overcome self-imposed isolation by learning to think right so you can live right.
  • Spare your family unnecessary heartache by confronting your dysfunction so they don't have to. 

It's time to stop being your own worst enemy. Declare war and become the person, the spouse, the parent, and the leader God intended you to be. 

We are our own worst enemies It’s true...I have love love loved this book. I love Pastor Levi’s ministry anyway, but this book was so so needed at this particular point in my life. The thing I love most about it is that I feel encouraged; never once did I feel like I was being “talked down to,” or anything like that. This book is written by a REAL person, who has issues just like I do, and for some reason I’m more willing to take his advice because of that. I think this would be great for new Christians and seasoned Christians...or anyone really! I’m buying copies as Christmas gifts this year...partly because I thonk EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT, and partly because I don’t want to share my copy!Declare War and Take Back your Mind “You can’t live right if you don’t think right.” Levi Lusko, “I Declare War.”We have no control over the thoughts that enter our minds daily, but we can filter them. Not every thought leads us in the right direction. Not all we hear or think about every day is true. Deciphering lies and distortion between our ears is an important life skill. It can launch us into our purpose or it can severely trip us up along way. This book meets us in that practical struggle, and provides applicable lessons to harness our thoughts.From beginning to end, Lusko weaves personal stories into four basic lessons that are easily relatable and entertaining. The Biblical roots of the “4 Keys to Winning the Battle with Yourself,” give Lusko’s message strong legs to stand on. After reading it, I felt a little better equipped to walk boldly into my daily life than I did before. It created a renewed sense of purpose and better understanding of how hard work and Holy Spirit power work in tandem.The detail of the stories, especially in reference to middle school life and amazon prime, are hilarious and relatable. The book is broken up into four major sections with great take-aways, making it easy to read through quickly. Lusko’s passion for helping others tap into the power of Christ in their lives is evident, and the Scriptural teachings along the way make the inspirational tones credible and applicable. This book goes just deep enough to intrigue and inspire change, but not so much that it reads like a Bible Study or research heavy material.I recommend this book for anyone struggling with self-confidence, doubt, anxiety, discontent, or for those simply seeking a little extra motivation to dig deep and accomplish everything God has laid out for them to do.“Time doesn’t change you, it just makes you more of who you are.” Levi LuskoA book that shows how to practically apply God's promises to win the battle of your mind This book has now been added to my top ten books of all time and I own hundreds of books! Pastor Levi Lusko is one of the most real authors you'll read. He not only teaches you about God's promises of provisioin, strength, and grace to win the battle in your mind, he also shows you how to apply those promises by his real life examples. 'I Declare War' is a page turner that you'll not want to put. I recommend you get a set aside two days to read the book because it'll draw you in! Thank you Pastor Levi for writing another practical book and for being vulnerable. I pray God continues to bless and protect you, your family, and Fresh Life Church!

Tags: B07FSYZY9L pdf,I Declare War pdf,,Levi Lusko, Thomas Nelson,I Declare War,Thomas Nelson,B07FSYZY9L

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Like Switch Download

ISBN: 1476754489
Title: The Like Switch Pdf An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over
Author: Jack Schafer
Published Date: 2015-01-13
Page: 288

“Whether you wish to be better at sales, reading a room, or recruiting Soviet spies, Jack outlines the skills necessary to make you a better communicator at all levels. As a professional, I learned something new on almost every page that will help to influence others. You will find hundreds of tips and insights in this book that will be immensely useful in any business or social setting.” Author: Dr. Jim Reilly, former astronaut, Mach25Management"This practical and insightful guide to influencing people, based on behavioral analysis and hard-won experience at the FBI, is filled with dozens of useful tips and techniques that can be applied immediately. I enjoyed it and learned a lot!" Author: William Ury, coauthor of Getting to Yes and author of The Power of a Positive No John R. “Jack” Schafer, PhD, is a psychologist, professor, intelligence consultant, and former FBI Special Agent. Dr. Schafer spent fifteen years conducting counter-intelligence and counterterrorism investigations, and seven years as a behavioral analyst for the FBI’s National Security Division’s Behavioral Analysis Program. He developed spy recruitment techniques, interviewed terrorists, and trained agents in the art of interrogation and persuasion. Dr. Schafer contributes online pieces for Psychology Today Magazine, has authored/coauthored six books, and has published numerous articles in professional and popular journals. He is a professor with the School of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice at Western Illinois University.Marvin Karlins received his PhD in Psychology from Princeton University and is currently Professor of Management at the University of South Florida’s College of Business Administration. Dr. Karlins consults internationally on issues of interpersonal effectiveness and has also authored twenty-four books, including two national bestsellers, What Every Body Is Saying and It’s a Jungle in There. He resides in Riverview, Florida, with his wife, Edyth, and daughter, Amber.

From a former FBI Special Agent specializing in behavior analysis and recruiting spies comes a handbook filled with his proven strategies on how to instantly read people and influence how they perceive you, so you can easily turn on the like switch.

The Like Switch is packed with all the tools you need for turning strangers into friends, whether you are on a sales call, a first date, or a job interview. As a Special Agent for the FBI’s National Security Division’s Behavioral Analysis Program, Dr. Jack Schafer developed dynamic and breakthrough strategies for profiling terrorists and detecting deception. Now, Dr. Schafer has evolved his proven-on-the-battlefield tactics for the day-to-day, but no less critical battle of getting people to like you.

In The Like Switch, he presents these techniques for how you can influence, attract, and win people over. Learn how to think and react like your favorite TV investigators from Criminal Minds or CSI as Dr. Schafer shows you how to improve your LQ (Likeability Quotient), “spot the lie” both in person and online, master nonverbal cues that influence how people perceive you, and turn up or turn down the intensity of a relationship.

Dr. Schafer cracks the code on making great first impressions, building lasting relationships, and understanding others’ behavior to learn what they really think about you. With tips and techniques that hold the key to taking control of your communications, interactions, and relationships, The Like Switch shows you how to read others and get people to like you for a moment or a lifetime.

Okay on personal communication with little reference to FBI stuff My review title says it all. Sorry to say that those who want insights from an ex FBI agent will be disappointed. So will be those who had read more than two books on personal communications. There are many good and practical ideas. Yet, it would be much better if the author had employed a better editor and made the chapters/topics more organised and structured, and the whole book more coherent.p.s. Below please find some favorite passages of mine for your reference.Friendship = Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity pg4You can extricate yourself from unwanted relationships by slowly decreasing each of the basic elements of the Friendship Formula. This gradual decrease will let the unwanted person down incrementally without hurting their feelings and without seeming like an abrupt break in the relationship. In most case, the unwanted person will naturally come to the conclusion that the relationship is no longer viable and seek more rewarding interactions. Pg9In dating environments, men should make a conscious effort to cant their heads to one side of the other when approaching women or else they may be perceived as predators. Pg30The telltale signs of a genuine smile are the upturned corners of the mouth and upward movement of the cheecks accompanied by wrinkling around the edges of the eyes. Pg32Isopraxism is the fancy term for mirroring, a nonverbal practice that can be used to make friendship development easier and more effective. Pg40The Golden Rule of Friendship – If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. Pg75The basic formula for constructing emphathic statemens is “So you….” We naturally tend to say something to the effect of “I understand how you feel.” The other person then automatically thinks , NO, you don’t know I feel because you are not me. Pg77Empathic statements also serve as effective conversation fillers….All you have to remember is the last thing the person said and construct an empathic statement based on that information….It is far better to use a series of empathic statement when you have nothing to say than to say something inappropriate. Pg80If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere. – Zig Ziglar pg96Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or friendship, is conversation. – Oscar Wilde pg121The more you can encourage the other person to speak, the more you listen to what they say, display empathy, and respond positively when reacting to their comments, the greater the likehood that person will feel good about themselves and you like as a result. Pg121LOVE - Listen. Observe. Vocalize. Empathize. Pg126Giving someone the feeling they have some control over a situation can work wonders, even with children….Salespeople use the alternate response question all the time. When you go to a car dealership, a good salesperson will not ask you if you want to buy a car. They will ask you if you like blue cars or red cars…..Good salespeople give the customers the illusion that they are in control of the car buying experience, when in fact the salespeople are directly you through a well-choreographed presentation. Pg147People have a need to be right, but people have a stronger need to correct others….Making presumptive statements is an elicitation technique that presents a fact that can be either right or wrong……ME: How much is this diamond?Clerk: One hundred and ninety dollars.ME: Woooh, the markup must be at least 150%. (presumptive statement)Clerk: No. It’s only 50%.ME: And then your 10% commission. (presumptive statement)Clerk: Not that much. I only get 5%.ME: I suppose you don’t have the authority to discount. (presumptive statement)Clerk: I am authorized to give a 10% discount. Anything after that, the manager has to approve.ME: Ask the manager if he will sell this at a 40% discount…..Pg150When people receive something either physically or emotionally they feel the need to reciprocate by giving back something of equal or greater value (Law of Reciprocity). Quid pro quo is an elicitation technique that encourages people to match information provided by others. Pg154During your conversation, you should seek common ground (Law of Similarity) with the other person. You should also use empathic statements to keep the focus on that individual. In short, you want to make the other person feel good about themselves (Golden Rule of Friendship). Pg155Elicitation technique known as internal/external foci. To find out what your loved one really thinks about cheating, you need to approach the topic from a third person perspective. Instead of the direct question, “what do you think about cheating?” you want to say, “My friend Susan caught her husband cheating. What do you think about that?”pg155And as every spy knows, common enemies are how allies always begin. – Ally Carter, Don’t judge a girl by her cover pg242Discover How to Turn on The Like Switch Have you ever wanted to get better at connecting with people? Specifically, what can you do if you want others to be drawn to you? You might think of some obvious ways, such as smiling or being authentic, but these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to attracting people and winning them over. In the book, The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over, authors Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins share practical strategies for getting an accurate read of people and positively influencing them.I have often said I try not to read too much into body language and focus more on what people are saying. It turns out, this is not a good strategy for understanding where people are coming from, as a large percentage of communication comes from almost universal non-verbal signals such as head tilts, eyebrow raises, and smiles. Who better to reveal these cues than an FBI agent trained in the skill of instantly reading a room and winning people over who are not naturally disposed toward trusting them? These methods have even been used effectively to encourage resistant informants to openly share their secrets. Fortunately, these principles are clearly presented in The Like Switch.They present a simple formula for Friendship that combines Frequency + Proximity + Duration + Intensity. If all this sounds too contrived, just consider the basic truth that people enjoy being around those who make them feel good about themselves. Actually, that’s not too far off from the Golden Rule of Jesus that says “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” (Matthew 7:12, NLT) When you are genuinely interested in someone, the Golden Rule of Friendship inspires reciprocity. They, in turn, become more interested in you.In our high-tech digital culture, it can be even harder to read the signs of whether or not you are effectively connecting with someone. The authors devote some time to helping you understand how to read the signs of honesty through social media and other types of digital communication as well so you can avoid being the victim of the latest cyber-scam or catfishing attempt.Another helpful acronym explained in the book is the word LOVE, which stands for Listen, Observe, Vocalize, and Empathize. Simply put, this reminds us to engage in active listening through eye-contact and never interrupting (something I really have to work on), looking for those non-verbal cues, respond appropriately with what you say and help them to know that you understand where they are coming from.The Like Switch is especially helpful for anyone who wants to grow in their ability to develop relationships with others. It is interesting throughout with lots of real-world examples to illustrate the ideas they present. I was personally challenged to continually grow in these skills by becoming a better reader of those non-verbal signals and to be a better listener. I highly recommend this book if you also are ready to develop these relational skills.

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Tags: 1476754489 pdf,The Like Switch pdf,An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over pdf,Jack Schafer, Marvin Karlins,The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over,Atria Books,1476754489,Body Language & Nonverbal Communication,Personal Growth - Success,Skills,Friendship,Friendship.,Influence (Psychology),Influence (Psychology).,Interpersonal attraction,Interpersonal attraction.,Interpersonal relations,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Skills,Body Language & Nonverbal Communication,Business & Economics/Skills,Family & Relationships/General,Friendship,Friendship.,GENERAL,General Adult,INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION,Influence (Psychology),Influence (Psychology).,Interpersonal attraction,Interpersonal attraction.,Interpersonal relations,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,Personal Growth,Personal Growth - Success,Psychology/Interpersonal Relations,SELF-HELP,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success,SOCIAL SCIENCE,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Body Language & Nonverbal Communication,Self Help,Self-help & personal development,Skills,Social Science/Body Language & Nonverbal Communication,Success,United States,body language; dictionary of body language; joe navarro; lying test; fbi; communication; business communication; sales communication; getting to yes; influence; security careers; improve communication; lie detector; human lie detector; lie detector test online; spy gear; private investigator; spy gadgets; spy camera; date; getting people to like you; how to get people to like you; winning friends; inflence people; make a good first impression;,lying test; security careers; improve communication; lie detector; lie detector test online; spy gear; private investigator; spy gadgets; spy camera; sales communication; body language; dictionary of body language; joe navarro; fbi; getting to yes; influence; human lie detector; date; communication; business communication; getting people to like you; how to get people to like you; winning friends; inflence people; make a good first impression,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Skills,Business & Economics/Skills,Family & Relationships/General,Psychology/Interpersonal Relations,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Body Language & Nonverbal Communication,Social Science/Body Language & Nonverbal Communication,Interpersonal Communication,Personal Guidance,Self-Help,Self-help & personal development

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Download

ISBN: 1107002176
Title: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Pdf 10th Anniversary Edition
Author: Michael A. Nielsen
Published Date: 2010-12-09
Page: 702

"In conclusion, "Mike and Ike" is still the authoritative reference point for anybody studying or researching in the field of quantum computing." Alessandro Berni, Computing Reviews A decade after it was first published, this book remains the best textbook in this exciting field. This 10th anniversary edition includes an introduction from the authors setting the work in context. Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, it is ideal for courses on the subject.

One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information remains the best textbook in this exciting field of science. This 10th anniversary edition includes an introduction from the authors setting the work in context. This comprehensive textbook describes such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography and quantum error-correction. Quantum mechanics and computer science are introduced before moving on to describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than 'classical' computers and its real-world implementation. It concludes with an in-depth treatment of quantum information. Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, this well-known textbook is ideal for courses on the subject, and will interest beginning graduate students and researchers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering.

THE Quantum Computer text Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary EditionThis book is definitely THE source to turn to for an understanding of Quantum Computation and Information. One can only read through the first chapter and you are given the key feature of Quantum Computation and Information. The advantage of this approach is that Chapter 1 establishes a Quantum roadmap of what you need to know. You can stop there or you can dive deeper into the technology. Using the remaining chapters as a reference or continuation of course studies.But, it is the 10th Edition and I would have liked to see some new information associated with current trends in Quantum Computing. For examples: 1) Adiabatic verses Gate Arrays, 2) Quantum instructions examples, whether it is by circuit manipulation or by an Objective function, 3) A review section on quantum Notations (logic, Bra-kets, linear algebra) to help readers get back into it again.This is THE book for those interested in finding out what is Quantum computers, but go slow with the first chapter and use the internet to clarify topics that are new to you, or to just refresh your memory. If you can skip through Chapter 1, you don't need the book.Four Stars This book is classic.The gold standard! This is the gold standard in quantum computing pedagogy.

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Tags: 1107002176 pdf,Quantum Computation and Quantum Information pdf,10th Anniversary Edition pdf,Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang,Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition,Cambridge University Press,1107002176,Quantum computers,Quantum computers.,ANALYTIC MECHANICS (MATHEMATICS),Analytic Mechanics (Mathematical Aspects),COMPUTER SCIENCE (SPECIFIC ASPECTS),COMPUTERS / Computer Science,Computer Applications,Computer Science,Computers - General Information,Great Britain/British Isles,Non-Fiction,Physics,Physics - Quantum Theory,QUANTUM COMPUTING,Quantum physics (quantum mechanics & quantum field theory),SCIENCE / Physics / Quantum Theory,Scholarly/Graduate,Science,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,Science/Physics - Quantum Theory,Textbooks (Various Levels),UNIVERSITY PRESS

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Keep Me Going Free Pdf

Title: Keep Me Going Pdf An Office Romance
Seattle meant safety. A new start for me and my little girl.
I didn't anticipate falling for a new guy.
Especially not my boss.

It was the dream job - in a city miles from my jerk of an ex.
I just wanted to get on and work, make a fresh start.

But Alex is the kind of guy you can feel in a room.
Perfect body, dark tousled hair just begging for my fingers to entwine in the curls.
Sultry blue eyes that send electric shocks to my core.

Nah-ah. We're not going there, girl.
I've got baggage - the perfect kid... and her abusive dad.
I don't need the complications of an office romance.

But... what if this man is my future?
When things get tough he picks me up.

When the calls start, and danger stalks me, will his love keep me going?

Not a page turner for me. Interesting plot. Writing was dull. I didn’t feel the excitement or get swooned. Well, it was a short book so that’s a given. Story moved on so quickly and I felt there wasn’t much depth in feelings from the character. Don’t get me wrong, they fell in love but why?This book was a let down! It was poorly written. It skipped ahead really fast from one thing to another. It ended fast and the story line was the same old same.Plain writing ... I didn't like the writing style..It was like a child wrote it. The story plot was nice.. But it just didn't do it for me..

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A Secret Billionaire Romance Collection (A Secret Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) pdf

Captured by Love Books 1-3 (The Unwilling Executive, The Unyielding Bachelor, The Undercover Playboy) pdf

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Tags: B07MJZK3NZ pdf,Keep Me Going pdf,An Office Romance pdf,ebook,Mia Ford,Keep Me Going : An Office Romance,Fiction / Contemporary Women,Fiction / Romance / Contemporary